Fate brings together a girl who dreams of marrying a wealthy man and a very ambitious prince.
Because of an accident, the prince becomes a frog instead and the girl thinks she's picked up an illegal immigrant.
She enslaves him and takes advantage of him all the time but she doesn't realize that the man she's been waiting for is HIM...
Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa Rawks!! , Ming Dao very shuai n cute!
navigate; right*
Friday, July 15, 2005
I don't get it... pple say i am naive.. maybe i am? i don't know.. some pple can just fan lian and den bu ren ren de.. one example is this guy by the name of so-and-so who was this guy i came to know abt in maplestory.. starting was gd.. chatted with me on msn abt the problems in his life.. den he told me he shared his acct with his neighbour.. either he quit maple or..? i am not sure but i know of one thing which can let him banish forever from maplesea.. that is.. well. i am not sure whether to reveal him. he was rather active, online during the days i was on. sometimes he would say weird things.. happen to be once when he said 'selling lvl 76 hunter'.. that caught my attention, wth was he selling? or was he joking? or was it really true. i dont know.. den recently he said in his buddy.. 'selling lv 55 fire wizard'. That caught my attention but MORE this time since he is a fire wizard and is lv 55? so i didnt think that he was such a mean person to delete someone as we chatted b4 on msn and when i was online recently, he still acknowledged my existence.
that was until today, for some reason, i have this feeling in my heart or maybe my sixth sense that i knew he was going to delete me someday.. i tracked him b4 on the days when i was online and he wasnt and turned out he really wasnt online. until today. i tracked him and found out, he was ONLINE afterall so yes.. why are pple out to delete me? when i have been friendly to them? and considering i DO talk to them.. the pple whom i dun even tok to MUCH actually didnt deleted me. and pple whom i talk to and say HI to.. deleted me.. what the fuck is the world becoming? there was this girl called winterynight.. first time i chatted with her.. was nice, went pqing with her.. den she wasnt online that often, even less active than me. den one fine day recenlty i saw her online, i said hi winterynight. long time no see.
and the nxt time i knew she nv replied to me at all.. i thot i was comfortable with her and so was she.. but then.. after a while, i realised she wasnt on, tracked her and dere she was ONLINE. so my buddylist reduced frm 20/20 to the current 15/20. Most of them i found out deleted me or so wadeva.. am i so.. idiotic to make so many pple wanna delete me? when i din see lyn online, i wont feel like playing maple anymore, feel that there is no one for me there. wads the point. wadeva i type into buddy chat, nobody fucking cares a damn about it. only those like xindi, lyn and loong sometimes care. the others feign ignorance or just continue talking to their respective frens. that so-and-so i mentioned earlier did reply my qns.. i see him online @ msn now.. not sure whether to approach him but dosen matter. i dun feel the need to anymore.. my life's in a mess. busy with school and school idiotic matters. lyn shud noe.. i donno how he feels abt this.. let just hope HE will not think too much like wad i think abt and just forget abt that incident..
+ Wo ai wang zi bian qing wa +
10:30 pm
Saturday, July 09, 2005
^ Pros spotted before we see the last of the mapleglobal days..
Sometimes i wonder.. do pple tink i exist? sometimes in sch i see some of my primary sch frens, and i just feel vry embarassed when i see them, not sure whether to say hi or walk away as fast as possible.. went to friendster just now.. saw my old friends' profiles.. feel so.. no idea how to describe. they changed a lot.. became chioer etc.. not sure whether to drop by a note or.. ? going to the esplanade this coming monday.. to listen to this university from florida who is coming down to singapore to perform.. sch paying so its free. have mixed feelings abt this. i dont know whether i will be neglected by my frens if i go.. not sure whether i can finish my hw on time after coming back frm the concert.. starts @ 730 and ends @ 10.. will need to report in sch @ 6.. not sure whether hui xian can pei wo.. or is she going with faith? hope at least someone KNOWS I EXIST.but whether to go anot.. the decision is set. once u write ur names dere.. u are IN.. cannot say dun want le.. hais.. nvm! i shud cheer up.. who cares abt those morons who dun appreciate me.. let them be lars.. i would rather be alone.
lastly a pic of me and lyn.
+ Wo ai wang zi bian qing wa +
1:46 am
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
SHE was the one who make me wait downstairs her house for 10-15mins everytime just to walk to school with her. SHE was the one who has this fucking poor memory and always left her books and things in her locker, and as a person who live near her block, i have to lend her. Me being have to go downstairs to pass her my book or something and then she photocopies it and returns me or just have her have the book and let her return it in school. SHE was the one who treat people as substitutes for her best friend who happens to be in another class. AND she fucking admitted she treated us as substitutes. During band practices, she will go off with her trumpet section and her best friend and forget all about me. I have to spend breaks in bands alone.. DOES SHE ever learn from her mistakes? That SHE is giving me HUGE inconvenience and shit? SHE promised to change and treat everyone including her best friend equally but never did. Empty promises.. SHE expects everyone to do her bidding.. I admit i am stupid.. lending her stuff all the time.. simply because i regard her as a friend. It isn't the first time she make use of me.. But.. what can i do? Now i am so sick of her fucking empty promises and biddings. YAY! i am free from her. She wanted to borrow my worksheet but i turned her down.. SHE does not deserve any pity or sympathy from anyone. She does not deserve any love. yeah.
+ Wo ai wang zi bian qing wa +
4:49 pm
Saturday, June 18, 2005
do u know.. u make me feel like u are using me.. u were the one who asked me to join u for a maths or maybe i did wanted to join it too.. now, u have ur new class.. u tink u can abandon everything? u keep telling me u like ur class a LOT, i dun see the point.. now all ur classmates is coming here to tuition as well, they chose tuesday and saturday so u are telling me u wanna stick with them AND U EXPECT ME TO FOLLOW U? come on, u jolly well shud noe u will tok to them more blahs, stop treating me like someone u make use of.
i was touched when u offered to pei me whenever i could not make it on tues or fri.. i tried to pei u too when u could not make it on a certain day and had to change ur tuition to another date, but.. sometimes i have band n shit which makes me unable to pei ni.. i feel bad, u may NOT noe, but i feel really bad inside.. last week, my dad went overseas n u could not make it on tues and have to change it to monday,, my mum wanted me to accompany my bro to go on tuesday but FOR U, i didnt pei my bro and i pei u instead.. now u give me this type of shit attitude,, GO AHEAD, go with ur oh so wonderful classmates who make u feel so happy n stress-less. go on saturday, i dun wanna fucking see you ever AGAIN.
Y DIDNT U CHOOSE THE MONDAY OR WEDNESDAY CLASS? fuck.. now i have to face u and ur class on tues.. happy eh ? letting me see how u are enjoying ur class.. let me tell u, u are in fact a person who lacks self security.. for your class, u are willing to sacrifice me.. fine, BE IT. i dun need u to pei me anymore, u suck .. thanks for all you have done, destroyer.
+ Wo ai wang zi bian qing wa +
5:22 pm
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Presto!! lolx.. my band camp group. quite okay.. dun have my frens but luckily can fit in with the juniors and other pple inside.. this seems to be lyn's style but good way of blogging lol.
Day 1 * reported @ 8am.. didnt have "luggage" like wad the others had as i wasnt staying overnight.. seem weird to be carrying onli a vry light backpack containing my jacket n waterbottle. hmm, we were suppose to go our rm and clear it n then prepare for band practice.. first time i am exposed to the juniors of the trombone section.. quite pathetic.. 6 boys 2 girls. the boys were quite funni la as in i asked which sch they were frm, they told me raffles girls' primary so yea except for this guy called Jason.. quite weird.. seem to be like err donno, i ask him don do this, donno whether he got listen, given a lot of problems to the band i suppose.. even the conductor knows him. i was suppose to coach the third trombone pple which happen to be jerrick n angelina.. taught them "where eagles soar" for like 3 HOURS?! hmm, arnd there.. kept repeating the same questions like asking them abt the notes how to read etc n telling them to play loud. they play so soft until i tink no one can hear lo.. as good as not playing.. had games after tat.. STUPID DUMB GAMES.. WHOEVER INVENTED THE PASSING STRAWS GAME SHOULD GO THE BUANGKOK GREEN MEDICAL PARK AKA IMH(INSTITUDE OF MENTAL HEALTH), in case u donno, they changed the name to sth more fancy.. jingyi was @ our first station.. we were told to stand in a straight line.. guys in between the gals.. faith was first then shao hao den me den sherwin den a gal i forgot her name den jerrick. faith was to put a straw in her mouth on one side then put a rubberband at the straw den shaohao was suppose to take the straw by using the erm how explain.. like put ur mouth on the other end of the straw and i had a straw.. put it into my mouth then pass the rubberband frm shao hao to my straw, cannot use hands leh.. freaking disgusting.. n shao hao was shorter than me so had to squat BUT.. we did cheat la.. shh shh haha. later on we did cheat, den sherwin was to put his mouth on the other end and it goes on.. for 3 rounds.. we had to complete it in 5 mins.. crazy rite.. still had a game where they play band songs n we are suppose to guess the song name.. wuliao.. then after tat this game where 4 pple are inside the classrm, one go out n then they will tell them the theme we are suppose to act out den the nxt person n so on n guess wad they are acting.. 4th game was this game in a dark rm where they put STARS. not big de hor, the mini ones we fold with those long-ish strips of paper.. we were suppose to find 10 of the stars in 1 min in a dark rm.. i found 3, but altogether we failed it coz my team got 7 onli.. last game was to go into this rm and we are suppose to sit there n cannot blink n move for 15 seconds, we were the onli grp to pass tat! ta~ end..
Day 2* reported to sch @ 630AM. hey hey dun tink just coz i nv stay overnight, i no need so early come sch okay.. i have to wake up extra earlier like 5+ coz my dad's car is repairing, have to walk to sch lo.. not tat shiok either. came to sch to find tat they are wearing the black band t-shirt n i was wearing PE shirt.. couldnt be bothered, they told me to wear PE the other dae b4 i left home so fine lo.. had drills. ran 5 rounds around the donno wad thing la.. as punishment.. den breakfast, had milo drink with tuna n egg sandwich. then it was band again.. this time i admit i was nasty.. coz i kept saying their sound was "nice" "perfect" when it wasnt all becoz i was alrdy vry tired by then.. so SL was teaching the 8 of them n i was slacking.. so yea i became sarcastic la. then halfway i got english oral.. pathetic oral.. had ms liew the english HOD for the examiner.. wad do u expect.. quickly took my oral n went back to band n then it was lunch.. after lunch, band practice again then i went home @ 5++, after band ended..
Day 3* Same thing.. reported @ 630, dad's car still repairing.. drills n yes punishment again.. den followed by drilling which needed us to run arnd and march like hell.. why? to impress the juniors.. after tat was breakfast then band again.. same routine.. then after going through some songs, it was time for sectionals.. sth bad happened during the sectionals.. the SL n drum major of my section go n rest in their rm, so left me, yiling n huda to coach the juniors. feel bad for huda, my senior.. shall not say here.. felt tat it was sort of my fault.. it happened..
+ Wo ai wang zi bian qing wa +
1:43 pm
Sunday, May 15, 2005
stupid maple.. first switch server den now wad? inside super duper laggy.. den is like i kill a few monsters, the whole screen will just jam every 10 secs.. hate it. some pple in maple darn lifeless de.. spotted this lvl 49 wizard in kerning.. a bit shocked.. he has cromi, calas, etc.. i wonder how he did it.. cromi will need like 5 refined golds? anyways, enuff of this..
got back some results.. rather happy with the results bah.. donno why when get back chemistry MCQ results de shi hou, like abit unhappy, maybe is coz i expected high marks for it den get so low -_-" other than that, emaths, a maths, english, physics n bio mcq vry satisfied. tmr is the start of post-exam activities.. got wad public speaking course, heritage tour n maths trail thingy.. so sian liao.. den still got some results haven get back..
my whole body aching like siao.. reason being i dun exercise much.. after doing a few standing broad jumps during pe lesson on fri. now my body alrdy shou bu liao le.. haiz.. pathetic.. went to my father's side cousin de 21st bdae yesterdae.. the cake rite... darn huge or big or wadeva.. is choc. ice-cream cake.. its like 20cm wide and 6cm thick.. den its held at the condo across my hse, so just walk dere.. quite nice..
anyways, ciao.. carn remember anymore le. oo. remember wad i wanted to say le.. i seem to QIAN pri 5 girls in my previous life.. now @ maplesea, thx to lyn, indirectly, wo you ren shi duo yi ge pri 5 de girl.. coz i thot lyn's id was candygirl, den go add, skali turn out bu shi.. den is this pri 5 girl who like bug me.. sort of.. keep asking for my lvl, ask me spare her $$.. shou bu liao haiz.. donno why lehs.. wad did i do to deserve dis -_-" carn shake her off..
+ Wo ai wang zi bian qing wa +
8:01 pm
Sunday, May 01, 2005
eeks.. haven blogged for long.. had english sa1 on fridae .. haiz, nxt week and the week after got Sa1, and i am still slacking, donno wads wrong, yesterdae got reason to go out.. that is to cut hair, took bus 147 to bencoolen dere.. cut hair by this GUY whose like so sissy? donno la, his fingernails OMG.. carn wait to get out sia.. black and den long long de, carn imagine his fingernails in my hair..
den turn out, my hair like nv cut like dat one, maybe it's coz onli cut 1 inch? nvm nvm.. den went to eat n shop @ og.. nth much.. after tat went to chinatown dere for dinner and go CK shop a while lor, wanted to go to the toilet den the toilet dere out of order have to walk all the way to the other side,, crappy chinatown.. den the toilet still need 10cent, realli noe how to eat $.. den as usual, went to the goodluck episode guide website and just read all over again lo.. like siao alrdy den my mum was like i m not watching the show but looking @ the guy.. zZz.. anyways, this few days i din realli have a nice sleep.. saturday morning, a freaking phone call came at 6AM+ so ask my parents to drive my grandma to clinic, not like its my problem la but my room has telephone so unfortunately it woke me up.. idiotic, den today morning the phone call came at 2AM+? donno la again to drive grandma to the hospital, den great la, i was disturbed den went back to slp until around 5AM when i need to go to the toilet, i saw sth.. my parents not inside their rm.. zZz,, i wonder why sia den remembered the phonecall wadeva, apparantly u can tell im unhappy over it, donno why oso, coz i didnt get a perfect sleep or wad? donno la.. den in the morning when i woke up at 10+, i tell my mum lor.. den ar i haven say finish i kena scolding.. stupid lehs.. say wad none of my business, dun say too much, not good for me blah blah.. she unhappy she always like tat sia.. i noe is her mother but den hor, CAN I AT LEAST HAVE A SAY? becoz ur damn phone calls woke me up.. LIKE 6AM AND 2AM IN THE MORNING TWICE IN A ROW.. who knows maybe tmr oso and the day after.. NOW I CARN SLEEP IN PEACE.. shit lor. my parents are becoming pandas.. den scold me in the morning for like no freaking reason.. my dad went to clear up my room den start scolding say i anyhow put my things here and dere... hate them.. i mean is like U UNHAPPY den no need take me as ur fa qi tong.. its not like u were the onli pple affected.. im oso affected wad.. the onli person not affected is TAT PIG.. i donno why la he didnt hear the phone ringing or wad? pigs..
maplestory.. haiz.. i didnt manage to get an acct in maplesea so have to get my fren xindi to make for me lor... quite okay la.. but maplesea going have ossyria. tinking of making fire wiz.. nt sure oso but anyways i realli need to study.. too much takuya in my life = this.. haiz.. too obsessed until i-weeklys oso bu fang guo lol.. i mean is like my family dun buy i-weekly so i have to ask my mother when she go over to grandma hse help me borrow LOL.. coz u see inside got episode sypnosis ma n picture zz.. no choice... lalala... at least sth that is happy not like books.. nvm i m crapping..
+ Wo ai wang zi bian qing wa +
12:03 pm
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